The Lab Book Pages

An online collection of electronics information

Dr. Andrew Greensted
Last modified: 1st September 2010

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Java Primitives

Type Bit Width Minimum Maximum Default
boolean - false true false
byte 8-bit signed integer -(27) -128 27-1 127 0
char 16-bit unicode 2.0 character 0 216-1 65 535 \0000
short 16-bit signed integer -(215) -32 768 215-1 32 767 0
int 32-bit signed integer -(231) -2 147 483 648 231-1 2 147 483 467 0
long 64-bit signed integer -(263) -9 223 372 036 854 775 808 263-1 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 0l
float 32-bit signed floating-point java.lang.Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY java.lang.Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY 0.0f
double 64-bit signed floating-point java.lang.Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY 0.0d


The maximum time, in ms, that can be stored in different types:

short:215 ms(32 sec 767 ms)
int:231 ms(24 days, 20 hours, 31 minutes, 23 sec 648 ms)
long:263 ms(Years!!)

Set Default GUI Font

The snippet below get be used to set the default Java GUI font. It works, but there may be a better way

javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource f = new javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource("Dialog",Font.PLAIN,10);

java.util.Enumeration keys = UIManager.getDefaults().keys();

while (keys.hasMoreElements())
  Object key = keys.nextElement();
  Object value = UIManager.get (key);
  if (value instanceof javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource) UIManager.put (key, f);


File: manifest
Main-Class: MainClass
> jar -cfm stuff.jar manifest -C class stuff
export CLASSPATH="/java/stuff.jar"
> java stuff.MainClass

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