Download FilesEngNotation.java
Engineering Notation in Java
This simple pair of java functions can be used for converting between a double value and a string formatted in engineering notation.
Double to a String
The function below takes a double value and returns a string formatted in engineering notation.
The number of digits after the decimal point is specified by the dp
argument. Some
examples are listed below.
val |
dp |
Output |
0.01 | 2 | 10.00m |
12456 | 1 | 12.5k |
56000000 | 0 | 56M |
0.0006819 | 3 | 681.900μ |
private final static int PREFIX_OFFSET = 5; private final static String[] PREFIX_ARRAY = {"f", "p", "n", "µ", "m", "", "k", "M", "G", "T"}; public static String convert(double val, int dp) { // If the value is zero, then simply return 0 with the correct number of dp if (val == 0) return String.format("%." + dp + "f", 0.0); // If the value is negative, make it positive so the log10 works double posVal = (val<0) ? -val : val; double log10 = Math.log10(posVal); // Determine how many orders of 3 magnitudes the value is int count = (int) Math.floor(log10/3); // Calculate the index of the prefix symbol int index = count + PREFIX_OFFSET; // Scale the value into the range 1<=val<1000 val /= Math.pow(10, count * 3); if (index >= 0 && index < PREFIX_ARRAY.length) { // If a prefix exists use it to create the correct string return String.format("%." + dp + "f%s", val, PREFIX_ARRAY[index]); } else { // If no prefix exists just make a string of the form 000e000 return String.format("%." + dp + "fe%d", val, count * 3); } }
String to Double
The two functions listed below can be used to take a String or a char array containing a number
in engineering notation and parse them into a double value. On error a
is thrown. The functions will ignore white space characters
before and after the encoded number. Some examples are listed in the table below.
String | Output |
1.4k | 1400.0 |
245m7 | 0.2457 |
12.56M | 12560000.0 |
private final static char[] PREFIX_TEST_ARRAY = {'f', 'p', 'n', 'u', 'µ', 'm', 'k', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T'}; private final static int[] PREFIX_EXP_ARRAY = {-15, -12, -9, -6, -6, -3, 3, 3, 6, 9, 12}; public static double parse(String str) { return parse(str.toCharArray()); } public static double parse(char[] chars) throws NumberFormatException { int exponent = 0; double value = 0; boolean gotChar = false; // Set to true once any non-whitespace, or minus character has been found boolean gotMinus = false; // Set to true once a minus character has been found boolean gotDP = false; // Set to true once a decimal place character has been found boolean gotPrefix = false; // Set to true once a prefix character has been found boolean gotDigit = false; // Set to true once a digit character has been found // Search for start of string int start = 0; while (start < chars.length) { if (chars[start] != ' ' && chars[start] != '\t') break; start ++; } if (start == chars.length) throw new NumberFormatException("Empty string"); // Search for end of string int end = chars.length - 1; while (end >= 0) { if (chars[end] != ' ' && chars[end] != '\t') break; end --; } // Iterate through characters CharLoop: for (int c=start ; c<=end ; c++) { // Check for a minus symbol if (chars[c] == '-') { if (gotChar) throw new NumberFormatException("Can only have minus symbol at the start"); if (gotMinus) throw new NumberFormatException("Too many minus symbols"); gotMinus = true; continue CharLoop; } gotChar = true; // Check for a numerical digit if (chars[c] >= '0' && chars[c] <= '9') { if (gotPrefix || gotDP) exponent --; if (gotPrefix && gotDP) throw new NumberFormatException("Cannot have digits after prefix when number includes decimal point"); value *= 10; value += chars[c] - '0'; gotDigit = true; continue CharLoop; } // Check for a decimal place if (chars[c] == '.') { if (gotDP) throw new NumberFormatException("Too many decimal points"); if (gotPrefix) throw new NumberFormatException("Cannot have decimal point after prefix"); gotDP = true; continue CharLoop; } // Check for a match with a prefix character for (int p=0 ; p<PREFIX_TEST_ARRAY.length ; p++) { if (PREFIX_TEST_ARRAY[p] == chars[c]) { if (gotPrefix) throw new NumberFormatException("Too many prefixes"); exponent += PREFIX_EXP_ARRAY[p]; gotPrefix = true; continue CharLoop; } } // All other characters are invalid throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid character '" + chars[c] + "'"); } // Check if any digits were found if (!gotDigit) throw new NumberFormatException("No digits"); // Apply negation if required if (gotMinus) value *= -1; return value * Math.pow(10, exponent); }
Page Revisions
Rev Number | Date | Details |
1.1 | 21/1/2015 | Corrected Heading. |