A collection of assorted links.
- University of York Intelligent Systems Group - This is the homepage of the research group I work for. All sorts of electronics stuff going on here.
- The University of York - The university where I did my undergrad and postgrad studies.
A few conferences relevant to my area of research. Mic Lones has a very good conference list on his site.
- CEC 2009 - IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Trondheim, Norway.
- ICES 2008 - ICES 2008, Prague.
- WEAH 2007 - IEEE Workshop on Evolvable and Adaptive Hardware. Held in Honolulu, Hawaii.
- AHS 2006 - The 1st Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems. Held in Istanbul, Turkey.
- Bio-ADIT 2006 - The 2nd International Workshop on Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology. Held in Osaka, Japan.
- IPCAT 2005 - The 6th International Workshop on Information Processing in Cells and Tissues. Held in York, UK.
- ICES 2005 - The 6th International Conference on Evolvable Systems. Held in Barcelona.
- GECCO 2005 - The 2005 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Held in Washington DC.
- EH 2005 - The 7th conference on evolvable hardware. Held in Washington DC.
- FPL 2004 - The 2004 Field Programmable Logic and its applications conference. Held in Belgium.
- EH 2004 - The 6th conference on evolvable hardware. Held in Seattle.
- ICES 2003 - The 5th International Conference on Evolvable Systems. Held in Trondheim.
Friend's Sites
- Dr. Mic Lones - Mic's research pages with a disturbing bias towards wildfowl.
- Scary Mammal - The online portfolio of a good friend of mine. Check it out, there's some good stuff there.
- Vim - Clearly the best text editor ever. But seriously, don't be put off if you've only ever used vi.
- Gentoo Linux - Now my Linux distribution of choice, you, well, it compiles almost everything from source and it works.
- Inkscape - A superb vector graphics program that will run on a lot of operating systems. A great FREE alternative to Adobe Illustrator.
- Clementine-Player - This is a music player. It is a port of Amarok 1.4. It's just like Amarok before it got all bloated.