Steam Engine Simulator
This Java program was designed to help with the design of oscillating steam engines. The program can be started using the Java Web Start button below. If you would rather run a downloaded copy see the Source Code Section.
A screenshot of the program is shown below.
Controlling the simulation is very simple.
These buttons allow you to manage the simulation.
This is the animation display. The user can scroll around the design by left clicking and dragging. It is also possible to zoom in and out by using the scroll wheel. |
These buttons control the animation.
The parameters table allows the user to try different steam engine dimensions. Simply double click the dimension value, enter a different value, then press enter. |
When you click on a parameter, this box shows a description of what the parameter means. |
Source Code
A jar of the simulator can be downloaded using the link below.
To run the program, use the following command:
> java -jar SteamOsc.jar
The source code can be downloaded using the link below.